Project No: 1743.1

5300 tns
Draft: 4,79 m
Lenght (LOA): 108,40 m
Breadth moulded: 16,50 m
Depth to main deck. 21,50 m
Air draft in load: 12,80 / 12,45 m
Air draft in balast: 23,50 m
5,506 tns
Hold Dimensions:
Hold 1: 21,43 x 12,66 x 8,3 m
Hold 2: 26,56 x 12,66 x 8,3 m
Hold 3: 26,56 x 12,66 x 8,3 m
Cubic Capacity (CBM) :
7,831 cbm
Hatch Dimensions:
Hatch 1: 21,10 x 13,22 m
Hatch 2: 24,70 x 13,22 m
Hatch 3: 24,70 x 13,22 m
Cubic Capacity (CBFT) :
280,000 cbft
Hold Capacity CBM / SQM:
Hold 1: 2,251,80 cbm / 271,30 m2
Hold 2: 2,790,90 cbm / 336,20 m2
Hold 3: 2,788,80 cbm / 336,00 m2
Total: 7831,50 cbm / 943,50 m2
Shipbulding yard:
CJSC "Onego ship building yard" Petrozavodsk.
Safe load on hatch covers, t/m2: 1,75 tns.
Safe load on deck of the hold: 7,00 tns.
Power :
Type of engine. 2 diesels 6NVD48-2AU
Power kw: 2 x 1055 kw
KM Ice2 R2 AUT3
Type of vessel:
Sea-river going single deck twinscrew dry cargo motor vessel with double sides and double bottom Bow truster fitted.
Designed for:
Carrying general cargoes, construction material, coal, timber, bulk, grain cargoes and containers in the holds and on the hatch covers.
Service Range:
Navigation region:ships of this type are navigated on inland
waterways of Russian and between the ports of the Baltic,
the North, the Azov and Caspian seas. also Worldwide.
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